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Summer Camp

Transitional Summer Camp

For students entering the Primary program for the first time. Children for this program need to be 3 years old by June 16th and/or by their 1st day of camp. 

  • Session 1:  June 16 - July 11 (3 weeks) Please note:  There is no camp the week of June 30 - July 4.

8:15 am - 12:30p / $1,440

  • Session 2:  July 14 - August 8 (4 weeks)

8:15 am - 12:30p / $1,920

(Children will bring their own lunch - there will not be a catered lunch option)

Early Bird Care

We will be offering the opportunity to drop your child off early on camp days. 

Session 1 Early Bird  starts at 7:45 AM/ $ 170

Session 2 Early Bird starts at 7:45 AM/ $ 225

Space is limited and Program is contingent on enrollment.

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Primary Summer Camp

For students who completed their 1st full year in Primary and for students that have completed their Kindergarten year.  This is ideally for students who will be entering their 2nd year, 3rd year, Kindergarten year, or will graduate. 

  • Session 1:  June 16 - July 11 (3 weeks) Please note:  There is no camp the week of June 30 - July 4. 

8:15 am - 12:30p / $1,440

  • Session 2:  July 14 - August 8 (4 weeks)

8:15 am - 12:30p / $1,920

(Children will bring their own lunch - there will not be a catered lunch option)

Early Bird & Extended Care

We will be offering the opportunity to drop your child off early and to pick them up a bit later on camp days. 

Session 1 Early Bird  starts at 7:45 AM/ $ 170

Session 1 Extended Care ends at 1:45 PM/ $420

(Primary students only)

Session 2 Early Bird starts at 7:45 AM/ $ 225

Session 2 Extended Care ends at 1:45 PM/ $560

(Primary students only)

Space is limited and Program is contingent on enrollment.

2031 Elmwood Avenue

Wilmette IL 60091


We are fully accredited by the American Montessori Society.

©2018 Ronald Knox Montessori School